Jun 29, 2004

i for one welcome our new liberal overlords...

CBC - Canada Votes 2004

and in the end, canada once again shows that we our a nation that strives to make forward steps towards life. embracing our role as a modern and caring society, suited to adapt in order to best serve our people and our global community.

naturally, we decided the best way to do this is to change absolutely nothing.

how delightfully canadian.

Jun 25, 2004


not to steal the thunder from my last post 10 minutes ago (which is still hurting my head), but was talkin while a round of golf today and something brought a thought to my head.

is parental stamp of approval a sort of sub-concious scarlet letter for most people?

when your parents say "so-and-so would be great for you", do you actually consider it? or without even knowing who "so-and-so" is, just automatically dismiss them by proxy of your parents approving them?

i'm particularly curious about the female perspective, since it seems many a gal prefers the rebel-without-a-cause type of guy instead of the bring-home-to-mom kind of guy.

i dunno, just a thought. i suppose it depends on your relationship to your parents. for some, i'm positive that parental approval is a huge necessity, and highly regarded as a priority.

but is that out of obligation? or actually out of your own feelings?

i got bored.

surely most of you have seen these before, but just for fun....

1) Suppose you're on a game show and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, and always opens a losing door after you make a pick, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?

2) take all families with two children, at least one of which is a boy. If you pick one of these at random, what's the chance that BOTH children will be male. (assuming of course the genetic odds of having either a girl or boy are an even 50/50)

3) Suppose we have a lottery with 10,000 "scratch-off-the-dot" tickets. The prize: a car. Ten thousand people buy the tickets, including you. 9,998 scratch off the dots on their tickets and find the message YOU LOSE. Should you offer big money to the remaining ticketholder to exchange tickets with you?

annnnnnd now i'm officially just trying to get comments.
i'm so sad......

blog stalking

whoa. trippy.

it's Rivers Cuomo's blog.

Jun 24, 2004

here we go again.....

TheStar.com - Bertuzzi charged with assault

i suppose we all saw this coming, but is it really necessary?

not to drag up an old dead cat, but how come when someone gets slashed and has their leg or hand broken, it's a suspension, but not ever considered legally as criminal assault?

is there some sort of law that says hockey injuries to the head or neck area must be criminal, while body and limb injuries are just part of the game?

what about crosschecks that cause concussions? how come that isn't criminal assault? aren't the ramifications of concussion injuries equal to -- or possibly even greater than -- steve moore's current health status?

personally, my view is......this is retarded, and entirely overkill.

lets see some consistancy here.

Jun 23, 2004

an early movie preview

Unfairenheit 9/11 - The lies of Michael Moore. By Christopher Hitchens

i'm still going to watch this film -- but the article above is simply a wonderfully written and articulated piece. i will draw my own conclusion and interpretations. however, it's nice to see someone rail on michael moore for intelligent and worthy reasons, instead of someone calling him a fat-ass, followed by a hippie retalliating at that dude for being a baby killing nazi.

intellectual discourse -- what a concept.

Jun 22, 2004

anti-terrorism terrorism

so....the theme of the day over in iraq seems to be: beheadings!

not to seem callous or insensitive to the families and victims of these murders, does anyone else seem a little perplexed by the logic of these terrorist acts?

i mean....ok. fly a plane into the WTC. we get your point -- you're mad as hell and you're not gonna take it anymore. [you know you're in MIT wheeeen.....]

at least bombings and attacks have an effect. i mean, simply mention the word "terrorist" or "brown foreign guy" in front of a group of americans and half of them wet their pants and run. to be honest, i think the terrorists did a pretty good job of....uh....terrorising.

but this beheading thing.....wha? do they really....really think that a country is going to pull all their troops out of iraq to save one persons life? especially when basically every government in the world has strict policies to not appease terrorist demands?

they can't be that naive can they? ignorant, idealistic terrorists -- fresh out of terrorist school and yet to be crushed by the reality of their underdog situation. hoping against hope for an islamic utopia that they can help kickstart.

well, sorry boys. welcome to r-e-a-l. l-i-f-e.

it seems all this chopping off heads does is get people from countries that were originally lukewarm about trying to bomb you to smithereens, and unite them in their seething hatred towards you and your cause.

so....really.....you're terrorists who succeed only in bringing terror attacks on....yourself. because really....no one's listening to what you have to say, but even the most leftist liberal is probably liable to kick your ass without even thinking about a civil conversation first.

conspiricy theorists would go so far as to think these beheading are staged just to unite divided opinions into a coherent front for this war.

but me? naaaah.

i just think they're idiots.

Jun 16, 2004

a ah ah ah ah, you know this, love is true....

so i was wondering about the meaning behind some of the psalms in the bible.

there are some psalms where the general theme seems to be: "God will smite my enemies"

but at the same time in the old testament, there's the book of Job, where we learn that loving God simply doesn't hinge on what he does for us, but on the fact that he's worthy of worship -- that he is God.

then finally, we get to the new testament, and jesus shows us that a lot of the stuff from the old testament about smiting our enemies is old and busted -- loving and praying for those who persecute you is the new hotness.

soo.....i wonder.....jesus says that the laws are still important, and that makes sense. the 10 commandments are an absolute for staying fresh with God. but, where does the relevence of all the passages in the old testament about smiting enemies go?

are they obsolete? what's the use of them now that jesus says cool kids don't smite?

hm.....interesting questions all.

so, the nun says to the barkeeper.....

Detroit Pistons - 2004 NBA Champions

before the playoff's started, i reaaaaally didn't see this actually happening.
it's kind of amazing for the owner, because he also owns the tampa bay lightning. pro sports championship sweep for that guys teams. pretty sweet.

in other news, yahoo mail has upgraded all it's accounts to 100 megs of space and 10 meg sending limit. the premium members now get 2GIGS of space and no ads.


100 megs, weeheehee.

i have my beta gmail account which i have yet to use at all, but it doesn't let you send mp3s. i wonder if yahoo does...

Jun 12, 2004

mornings -- why they suck,

was talking to v about some skanky girls at the club last night, and she was mentioning how disturbing it was that there were just a bunch of guys just standing around watching them.

what i find even more disturbing is the fact they weren't even attractive.

where do most guys draw the line between slutty amusement and their standards for decency? and by decency, i mean not oggling scary looking hoochie mammas.

it's so funny the power of lesbianism.

if two ugly guys were dancing together, i don't think anyone in the world would give a crap. hell, they'd probably be asked to stop.

but.....ohhhh, two ugly girls. something about two girls being slutty gives them a free pass to be unattractive apparently.

well, not in my book ladies.

$50 bucks, ivan. not a penny less.

Jun 6, 2004

life's simple pleasures.

so, i've heard it said that the key to enjoying life is to appreciate the little things -- to stop and smells the roses.

although i personally could care less about roses and the surely thousands of possible allergens that exist within them, i do still have my own personal little wrinkles in my daily adventures that never fail to bring a smile to my face.

one of my favourite, is when i walk into any establishments public washroom and anxiously peek at the urinals to see what they contain. usually, it's urinals cakes in their various forms -- disc, balls, cubes, etc.

but sometimes....ohhh, once in a happy blue moon, there will be the bestest type of urinal of all. the ones filled with.....

ice cubes.

yes, i think most men will agree, there is nothing that makes a trip to the trough any more enjoyable than being able to turn your bodily functions into a competitive sport.

how many cubes can you melt before you're spent?

yes, life's little pleasures.

Jun 4, 2004


this game....is so....addictive....

Jun 1, 2004

adventures with seniors.

so, part of my new job involves me standing around in front of supermarkets.

ok, i lied. standing in front of supermarkets is actually all my job requires. but anyways, it provides an interesting opportunity to meet all sorts of different people, and i'm usually in parts of town i never have a reason to visit.

so i was standing at my little booth today, and an old lady walked up to me and we got to chatting. seems she was a school teacher back in her youth, and she left me with some words of wisdom:

"before you can be old and wise, you have to be young and stupid"

interesting.....interesting indeed.....

old people are cool.

in other news, yay for tax returns and having some pocket money with which to feed myself once in a while. double yay for actually making decent money at this job, even though it's really boring and pointless. triple yay for having awesome hours, hehheh....

and on that note, farewell.