Mar 22, 2005

hit the switch

i've gotten such good rest over the last two days. something like 24 hours of sleep in the last two nights or something along those lines. so nice....

here's a fun little tidbit: ever wish while roller blading that you could just go FASTER? well now you can. all you have to do is strap an engine and wheel to your ass. yes, someone finally invented it: the rollercycle

i was browsing around and i noticed that everyone is obsessed with pictures. i felt compelled to try and keep up, so i finally got around to uploading some photos. some of which are a few years old already. ah well, better late than never i guess.

it seems that the less i update, the more comments just start to accumulate. is it like a boredom thing? nothing else to do but create your own content? i like it. less work for me.

is it just me, or as each generation graduates from university, they become less and less concerned with finding a job and more and more concerned with seeing the world?

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