Oct 28, 2004


i've decided to just suggest an album for people to look into. why? because i think we all need to expand our musical horizons.

so if you want me to suggest something i think you might like, just post a comment and i'll reply with my personalized suggestions for you.

also, i swear my cd is done. i just need to burn them. it's constantly evolving as well.....so if i give people a cd two weeks apart, they'll probably be a bit different.

here's a sample of what's been on my playlist the past few days:
(not that anyone cares)

[artist] - [album]

\ And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - Worlds Apart
\ Brian Wilson - Smile
\ Radio Dept - Lesser Matters
\ Ella Fitzgerald - First Lady Of Song
\ Ghost - Hypnotic Underworld
\ Owen - I Do Perceive
\ The Go! Team - Thunder Lightning Strike
\ The Appleseed Cast - Two Conversations

so who wants to play "suggest me a cd"? it's tons of fun!

Oct 26, 2004

do you agree with....CCfC?

well, i have two midterms to study for, so it seems appropriate that i take the time now to throw my hat in the ring regarding this whole "do you agree..." campaign that campus crusades for Christ is running at various schools in ontario (and possibly beyond?).

be forewarned. this is going to be a long one.

exhibits A, B, and C.


the sites are (as you can clearly see) standardized in format. furthermore, they all use preproduced templates for their informational and educational sections concerning christianity. it's obviously an organized and concerted campaign by CCfC.

so, how are these campaigns doing? well, pretty much as you would expect.

stirring up debate? check.
invoking controversy? check.
promoting Christianity in a positive light? eeeeennnnh.

some would say yes. some would say no.

there is obvious resistance to the invasive guerilla tactics used in this campaign. poster blitzes, chalk writing, t-shirts. the whole nine yards. the forums of each site are awash with discussion both intellectual and respectful, as well as immature and ignorant.

first off, i'll be the first to say that i think if CCfC tried this here at Western...they would fail. miserably. UWO seems to me undoubtedly one of -- if not the -- most liberal leaning major university in all ontario. the amount of backlash a campaign like this would recieve is simply not worth the trouble. not because opposition should be acquiesced to, but simply because the problem with a lot of liberals are that they're empty headed lemmings.

disagree with my ideas? nazi!
you voted for bush? nazi!
you hate michael moore? nazi!
you're jewish and support Israel's actions? na.....oh wait....

a lot of people would protest such a campaign here (and are doing so on other campuses) simply because they don't want to take the time to understand. to them, religion is archaic and -- particularly Christianity -- is exactly the kind of institutionalized structure that is repressing social equality because of its intrinsic exclusivity. these thinkers are the kind who wish to abolish all organized religion and therefore would rally against a christian advertising campaign so quickly they'd sprain their arms raising their middle fingers.

i have a name for people who think like this. facists.

not to say narrow minded, frankfurt school loving socialists aren't "worthy" of being christian. far from it. we're all equal, despite my derogatory insulting language. hell, i'm in media studies, i'm practically a communist. but the fact is, the UWO body has a definite attitude, and a campaign like this would just be totally non-effective here i think.

but moving on....

i have to say that -- as much as i respect and admire the courage and enthusiastic zeal to share your faith unabashedly -- there is in my mind, no question that CCfC needs to rephrase the question.

"do you agree with [us]"
(for all intents and purposes)

is simply too divisive a phrase. in fact, it doesn't even sound like a question. it sounds like a threat.

now, i'm not at any of these campuses to witness first hand the level of promotion going on, but i have to say i disagree with this....campaigning idea, on a variety of levels.

the fact is, jesus never campaigned. he never wore a robe that said "do you think i'm God?"

and this is exactly what these campaigns are doing. if they had asked "is jesus god?", it would be entirely different from "do YOU think jesus is god"?.

the onus of responsiblity changes this from a discourse into a challenge. i understand the desire from a christian standpoint to challenge people to explore their faith and ideas of faith.

the big sticking point, is the assumption of knowledge and truth. the problem with these campaigns is the inevitable argument (merited often, unmerited just as often) that Christians come off as elitest, high-and-mighty, and smug.

it is EXACTLY this kind of language and thinking that gives general Christians this cultural persona.

"do you agree with me?"

personally, i find this an annoying question because the person asking it already thinks that they're right. they're not asking to discuss a truth through a mutual process of discovery. they're asking whether or not you want to argue with them over who's right. it simply doesn't invite dialogue.

i believe this is the biggest problem with many evangelical Christians. they hate it when people don't understand why they believe. the typical answer is "because the bible says so" or "because God made it so".

Christians can't pretend to have all the answers. they can't assume that they're right, even if they believe it, because the fact is, it can't be proven. nothing can.

this is where we have to start as Christians. not from assuming we have it all taken care of and we just have to convince people why we're right. we have to admit that hey -- it's confusing, and difficult. but what i can offer is simply that i believe for a reason

it's my personal experience that leads me to believe in god. not because the bible is true, not because jesus died for my sins. if a christian ever tells you they believe in god without proof, they're lying. there is proof. it's in each of our own lives. it's personal proof. others can interpret it as they choose, and i'm not going to assume that my personal proof applies to everybody.

i don't question for one second the intentions of CCfC, nor the brave christians who've decided to step out in faith and -- i'm sure in their hearts -- obey what they feel God has led them to do.

i do question however, some of the manner in which they have gone about it.

advertising is to sell things to people.
telling is to inform people.
sharing is to care about people.

in journalism, there's a classic and fundamental philosophy to all effective writing: "show, don't tell"

no one wants to be sold or told about God. but people all around us are crying out to be shown God.

we have to know the difference.

Oct 25, 2004

the dog turned out to have rabies

another monday rears its ugly head. honestly -- all this school stuff just gets in the way of an otherwise great time out here.

got a pretty busy week ahead. but i'm most excited about the fact that this morning, i decided this is the week i start regulating my health a bit. i've decided to sleep earlier, do more work, work out more, and eat healthier.

i went to play ball this morning, and after an hour of 1 on 1, i felt like i was gonna heave. i was just so out of shape i couldn't even run two steps without feeling winded.

not excercising much for 2 weeks will tend to do that to me. particularly when i wasn't in great shape to begin with.

so i've been trying (well, while i was showering at least) to plan my eating habits, but i'm not sure exactly what i should buy when i go grocery shopping this week. i'm aiming to live mainly off pasta/pasta salads and stuff, with the occasionally chinese rice and stirfry meal thrown in here or there.

side dishes i'm thinking mostly salads, and about 100x's more fruit than my current intake of.....none.

lunches are going to be mostly sandwhiches and pasta salad i think. i'm getting tired of this whole "hot food" business. all that fried rice my mom brought me as a kid has come full circle, hahaha

i wish i had like, a personal trainer. or a nutritionist or something, just someone to plan my meals so that my working out doesn't just go to waste and i actually start to get into better shape.

no more fast food! i'm drawing the line at subs occasionally, and thats it.

who is this guy? you're wondering.

don't ask. i don't know either.

Oct 23, 2004

clarification of section 4, bylaw zoning standard 38

had problems sleeping. now i'm awake, and it's 8:40am. goodness. i haven't been awake at 8:40 am in a long time. there's something eerie about the silence of a saturday morning. it's bright out, but i don't hear the cars or buses whizzing by.


there's so much hidden underneath the sheen of the day. not to get all american-beauty on you, but it's true what they say. stop and smell the roses.

i spent some time last night thinking about my friendships. analyzing what they mean to me, and what i mean to them. i think it's hard when you realize your friendships are starting to change. i've always been the type to consider someone a close friends, despite lack of communication or distance.

to me, intimacy in a friendship never goes away -- only people do. intimacy can always be captured again on contact, and the level of understanding, respect and bonding, never dissaptes. catching up is a formality to instant comfort. to me, you should always be able to think of a good friend and know that the more things change, the more things stay the same.

it's hard i think. what i've been realizing lately, is that you can have a lot of close friends. you can meet someone and in the course of a week -- if you mesh, and you spend enough time together -- you can be great friends. conversely, you can spend your whole life with somebody, and learn to be great friends.

but as close as somebody is to you, there's always going to be a litmus test that determines your relationship: do you get each other?

i'm learning everyday how important that question is. do they really get you?

i have lots of friends. lots of great, amazing, wonderful friends. i've been blessed beyond measure, as i've grown up with, and met honestly more people than i could ever ask for to help carry me through life.

but even of my closest friends, i'm realizing that only a few really "get" me. who share and understand who i am. who know why i say what i say, and do what i do, without me having to explain everything.

i've had conversations with friends where they were close, and well intentioned...but they just simply couldn't understand where i was coming from.

maybe i'm just neurotic. or melodramatic.

but there's nothing more comforting...more rewarding...more assuring and amazing, then knowing when someone just....really gets you. and not in the superficial faking-it way. i mean, there are times you can just tell.

and this isn't to say you shouldn't care about friends who you don't think get you as easily, or conventionally as others. what i'm saying is really cherish the ones who do. because they're truly a blessing.

so. you all know who you are.


Oct 21, 2004

Hyphen Magazine: Asian America Unabridged

although from the website, i'm initially not very impressed by this magazine, you gotta give them love for trying. there's more to being asian than fast cars, hoochies, and fried rice. i think our generation of asians living in western society continue to search for identity, and along the way are creating something unique.

with that said, i found this concert review actually pretty darn well written. it's witty, honesty, and right to the point. what can i say? it's funny.

so out of further morbid curiosity, i downloaded jin's album. it's.....not bad. it's not great, but it grows on you. there's potential. it's not terribly mainstream, but man. it's funny.

the first single (learn chinese) almost reminds of that chinese bad-boy stuff that was floating around a few years back. he actually does his shoutouts in chinese. it's hillarious.

wan-yuen la!
words are so unecessary.

Oct 19, 2004

so the pope, madonna, and a bear walk into a bar...

gay marriage

do i think it's cool to be a gay christian? sure. why not. it happens. you're gay, you're born that way, but you understand the biblical principles of living a christian life and how they relate to your situation. all well and dandy.

can you be gay and a minister? yes! certainly! there's no difference between being gay and beings straight in terms of how you walk with god, just as long as you're aware of your situation.

can you be gay, and a minister, and a christian, who is actively and openly involved in a gay relationship? there's a grey area if i've ever seen one.

at first, i'm inclined to say "only if you never have sex". why? because if the relationship is based purely on love and doesn't include sex, how is that different from straight love? it's not like a gay dude can control who he loves -- and who's to say just because he's born gay he's not allowed to fall in love?

however...upon closer inspection, one realizes the complete and utter irrationality in both the biblical and logical sense of being in an openly gay relationship as a christian.

the fact is -- and feel free to disagree -- marriage in the bible is a man and a woman becoming one body. that involves sex. sex isn't a dirty thing, it's the ultimate expression of love between two individuals -- god's gift to us.

so i have to wonder...why be in a relationship? it's never going to end up in marriage. you can't marry. you can love as a homosexual, but you simply. cannot. marry.

so....what's the point of having a relationship? why not just be friends and let that be the end of it. what is the point of romance when there is absolutely nowhere for it to go? to me it seems like a case of simply refusing to concede to God. trying to have ti both ways, and denying what's blatently in front of you.

obviously these ministers would disagree with me because they're ordaining gay marriages. and you know what? that's just messed up. the bible clearly defines what marriage is, and what the requirements are concerning homosexuality.

i'm all for not imposing christian morality on secular politics. but, i'm alllllll for keep accountable other christians. it's times like these i wish i actually had some gay christian friends to weigh in and shoot the sh!t about stuff like this.

damn my sheltered-surburban-chinese-christian-upper-middle-class upbringing....

Oct 18, 2004

fall classic

you would have to be heartless (or a yanks fan) to not be rooting for the red sox, as they simply refuse to go quietly into the night.

way to make it a series. there's nothing quite like playoff baseball. for all the ridiculous looks i get from people when i say i enjoy sitting down and watching a full game of baseball, i dare you to say the NLCS and ALCS haven't been edge-of-your-seat-drama every single game, full of heroes, heart, and great sportsmanship.

yay baseball.

on a sidenote, intramural softball record sits at 3-0. we might finish the regular season in first! that's........a first, haha

Oct 15, 2004

no left turns. no parking between 6am-9am.

i think the funniest thing in the world is when people argue about who's a "noob" during a game of warcraft.

"i'm not helping you noob, you stole my kill"
"you're a noob, you suxor you whiny bitch"
"shutup fag"
"oh look, you died. go cry about it noob, LOLOLOLOL"


i sit there....and i think: don't these people have lives? aren't they playing this game to have fun? is this fun for them? they must be sad people.... i mean, it's one thing if they were actually insulting each other's like, ability to play warcraft or something. at least that's RELEVANT. what does being a fag have anything to do with being a noob? and most of all, what does either have to do with stealing a kill or getting killed?

i think it's pretty sad that although it would be hard enough for a black lesbian woman to find acceptance in normal society, it would be nay IMPOSSIBLE for her to play any sort of online game.

"i'm a lesbian"


"i'm a girl...."

and finally:

"....i just did....."
"i know...but i'm just rubbing it in you fag bitch"
"i......forget it...."

in other less pathetic-display-of-society news, you know what show i've been watching a lot lately? totally spies

it's funny. it's simple, and the characters are valley girls who kick the butt of a new evil character every day.

what more could you ask for? it's charlies angels for the 21st century!

Oct 13, 2004

educational beatings

DenverPost.com - LOCAL NEWS

so reading this news article, i'm reminded of why kids today are sliding down the discipline scale, and why suburban american society feels like as a country they are privillaged over the rest of the world.

because they're spoiled brats, reaping the benefits of bad childhoods due to political correctness.

i mean c'mon. the teacher grabbed the kid by the neck and shoulder and sat him down harsly in a chair. you call that child abuse? the fact is, some kids need to be treated with sternly. if i were the parents i'd be beating the kid myself if my teacher had to resort to those kinds of tactics. unless the teacher was a consistant repeat offender with cases like this (it doesn't say he is) i suspect the kid was just being a brat.

now, i'm no teacher -- but sometimes i think it's alright to slap a kid around. it's the only thing they'll understand. what's wrong with it? will a hard slap on the hand ruin a child for life? it doesn't even bruise, it just stings.

what a load of crock. schools today are ridiculous.

Oct 8, 2004

where did september go?

wow. they say time flies when you're having fun, but apparently time flies when you're slacking off in school too.

not to say it hasn't been a fun month. sure, there have been times of questionable productivity, but i'm working on it.

so, i'm seriously debating going trick or treating this year. who's with me? i think that the next cutest thing to a bunch of little children in costume is a bunch of grown university students in even better and more elaborate costums. i think i'd like to go as a terrorist this year. i think that would be funny enough yet vaguely political enough and still offensive enough to score me some fine lewt.

it's free candy, who are people to judge us as too old to get in on it?

give me skittles, or give me death!

Oct 7, 2004

strangely addictive


this game is amusing. personal best: 4.272 seconds.

Oct 6, 2004

ebay bastards

i lost a bid with 5 seconds left. FIVE SECONDS.

i placed my bid with 7 seconds left and i lost.

that is....supremely frustrating.

check label for details!

sometimes i forget why i'm even here. i think it takes a lot for me to concede things to god, and just worship. not live waiting for my next path to be laid out in front of me, but just wake up everyday with praise and have that be enough for me to get through the day -- without having to do something for god.

i like to think i'm not an anxious type of guy, but i suppose in the little ways i still have problems letting go of things. don't we all.....don't we all....

i managed to pick up two used cd's from those random guys at UCC today. couple of old get up kids albums that generally are tough to find. i was considering getting the new guided by voices and some classic gorkys zygotic mynci (probably a better deal since that stuff is both rarer and more expensive), but i went with TGUK's simply to indulge during my driving. what can i say? i've wanted those cd's for a long long time. it's pretty amazing what some people will throw away. there was some pavement there, some pixies, really a lot of classic stuff that people just apparently decided to sell.

i don't think i could ever do that.....the only cd's i'd ever part with are the crap ones i bought when i was a kid. i know you all have at least one cd you're not proud to own.

i just happen to have more than one.....haha

highlights of my musical tastes circa the late 80's/early 90's include:

- debbie gibson
- the original batman soundtrack (featuring prince's "batdance")
- the original ghostbusters soundtrack
- rick astley
- bobby brown

and -- yes -- new kids on the block.

i shall now hide my face in shame......

where there's a will...


i don't know whether to laugh or cry. the sad part is, it's not bad. but it's so stupid.

Oct 4, 2004

join me or be crushed.

Wed, 10/13/04 - Interpol
Sat, 10/23/04 - And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead
Thu, 11/25-24/04 - Pixies
Fri, 11/05/04 - Clinic

Oct 1, 2004

and to your left.....

- the future of video games?

- on an unrelated note, i wish i had this one-off toilet made by trick anything.
it has a security system. mmm......private pooping.....

shave and a haircut

3:16am - my sleeping patterns continue to resemble those of a nocturnal animal, falling somewhere between a racoon and a sloth.

so the western world is all a flutter today about the first of three debates between bush and kerry. personally, i think this is a shame, because the real news of the day is that ichiro is one hit away from setting the most american of records on the most american of fields: the most hits in a professional baseball season.

let's see, what am i pondering at this ridiculous hour:

first off, i'd hate to be one of those musicians where everybody thinks your debut album is an instant classic, then have all my subsequent albums measured up to (and falling short) of my initial genious work. that must like....suck.

it's like ladder theory -- where a man lands a chick unfathomably out of his league with a huge ladder disparity. it's all downhill from there.

secondly, do you ever just want to throw all of socities laws and conventions out the window? i do. here's a list of things i'd love to do but would probably get in trouble for doing.

- randomly destroying goods in a retail establishment. ideally, a place that sells lots of glass and crystal ware.
- driving on the shoulder of the highway
- breakdance in brooklyn
- sleep nonstop for a week
- become a boxcar child, riding the rails across canada

and in other news, apparently south korea is thinking of moving their capital out of seoul.

can they do that? it'd be like us moving capitals from ottawa to thunderbay. sure, it'll be more central, but am i really going to care anymore about thunderbay? no....no i am not.