Oct 10, 2005

cream and bastards rise

i normally ignore these xanga/blogger disease like chain letter posts, but because its from dora and she never talks to me otherwise (oh snap!) i'll appease her.

rules of the game: post 5 weird and random facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this. also leave a post on their xanga/blogspot to let these people know.

1) i'll put on socks even if i'm not going out. i just like wearing socks. they keep my feet warm and clean.

2) when i was younger, i used to hang out with a bunch of girls. and when i mean a group of girls, i mean i have been to parties where i am literally the only dude. it's a mixed experience at best.

3) i once read an entire book while on the toilet. like, a novel. my legs were pretty numb afterwards.

4) i hate eating with my hands if it will be messy. even things like shellfish or chicken wings, i'll use a fork because i don't like getting my hands dirty.

5) i have to squeeze toothpaste from the end. if i find that someone has used it and squeezed from the middle, i will meticulously squeeze it from the end until it is neat and all up at the front again.

now i think i spam five more people. i'm too lazy to actually go toy our sites, so i'm going to choose people who read my blog fairly often.

red rover red rover, i call herb, irene, ivan, dustin and cam over.

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