Jul 23, 2007

new york run by the swiss

Toronto sucks.

now, i'm not saying i don't love it here. i do. i absolutely adore all that our city has to offer, and i wish upon wishes that we can continue to improve towards being a truly international city that the world can view as a leader culturally, economically, socially as well as architecturally.

that said, we as citizens just don't care enough.

you know the reason New York is such a successful city? because people love it. it even says so on their tshirts.

the general feeling amongst Torontonians i find, is not so much love, as it is a general fondness. and man, that just isn't enough.

it would be awesome if we had a waterfront. if we had better mass transit. if we have beautification and leading edge design as part of our civic mandate.

but these things don't just happen on the will of a few politicos and a general public that nods and says "yea, that would be nice", then goes back to pimping their facebook pages.

and i say this not so much as a call to arms, but merely as an observation. Toronto will probably not achieve the status of New York, or even a Chicago, because in Canada, we're alright with being mediocre.

in business, in sports, in life -- if we're ok, we're good enough. Canadians don't seek to be the best. to be able to gloat from the top of the mountain.

all this potential in this country, and this city. seemingly squandered.

1 comment:

Cammie said...

I think canadians are unambitious and adverse to risk/change. and we complain a lot but don't like spending money. I watched a documentary on it and to this day i still have no idea how the cn tower got built...like, in terms of ppl deciding to actually do it. the building part i get. haha