Jul 8, 2008

tax refunds are a welcome surprise

Right now, I'm wondering whether my life and that of everyone around me is going to get busier or not. 

I mean, I'm assuming my summer is more of a anomaly than an accurate portrayal of the rest of my working life. Or at least I hope to God it is. 

Some of the people around me are fairly settled in that they have long term jobs and long term relationships, so their current state should be fairly static until the families start up. 

The remaining two groups are individuals who either have not started working yet (and I wonder if work is more or less time consuming than school for these mainly professional students), and of course single people who are either recently hooked-up or will eventually be hooked-up, thus making their lives relatively busier depending on how each person's personality is. 

I mean, if it's safe to assume that everyone is either going to get busier or at the very least maintain and get busier simply by entering relationships, I frankly don't understand how people have any time to see each other at all. 

I guess this is where it helps to have your own places, and roommates, and such and such, instead of having essentially everybody in your social circle live with their parents. 

Right now I have maybe...MAYBE one free night a week. And sometimes a weekend morning. 
Really, the only reasons I see people now are to prepare for a wedding, or for some sort of sports team. 

On the bright side, I think my goal of moving out by the end of the year might be pretty darn on track. That should help I think. Thank goodness I bought a lot of books to read...


Steph said...

I hears ya. My summer days are totally busy this year. It's mostly all due to sports and side projects i am still fairly amazed that i still make time every day to see gord and we still talk on the phone before we sleep. Relationships are quite a lot of work but its work you dont mind doing i guess. I'm so glad he lives 5 mins away or seeing him would be a chore, the best advice i gave my bro about dating was find someone who lives close hahaha, it makes you resent them a little less hahaha.

Cammie said...

hahaha, resent them less. not everyone hates driving that much...although it would help if this driving were shared by 2 and not just one, but this is another matter haha. Work for me is definitely less busy than school. school was like 24/7, for work once i leave the office the rest of the day is my own time. only once in a while do i have some work to do at night.