May 4, 2010

Songs that, you know, sounds different slow

I am going to attempt some covers. I haven't recorded in a long time, mostly due to the disenchantment of hearing my own voice.

Still, what are some good songs to cover acoustically? Currently my list of tracks I want to attempt stands as such:

The Sea Is A Good Place To Think O The Future - Los Campesinos
I Heard You Had A Voice Like An Angel - Psalm 137 - Shad
I'll Believe In Anything - Wolf Parade
Unison - Bjork


Anupa said...

Can you teach me to play guitar? In exchange, I will blog on Treme more promptly.

I know it's kinda obvious but you should do really dancey songs slowed down and acoustic. The obvious would be Sexy Bitch by Akon or some Lady Gaga song; less obvious would be something by Hot Chip or Robyn.

I have two fvourite covers from the past year:
The Big Pink covering 'Yonce:

Solange covering the Dirty Projectors:

Simon said...

That Solange cover is amazing.

I've tried covering some synth bands and it's not bad, but their songs have like, eight words total, haha