Jun 1, 2010


At least, according to the internet, which as we know, is never wrong.

Does this strike anybody else as odd? Perhaps it's because the show purposely defenestrated her song the climb a couple weeks back -- there's always more to the story in Hollywood than we know.

Still, how can anybody who likes music hate all musical theatre? Least yet the irony of her being a Disney star who played a singing sensation for tweens across America?

The most confusing thing to me about Miley Cyrus though? How did she get so popular when she is neither talented nor attractive?

I mean, Hillary Duff may not be the next Ella Fitzgerald, but at least she's La-La Land pretty. Miley Cyrus is a bad singer AND she's kind of a butterface. How did she get famous? A mystery that shall never be solved.

I give her 5 years before she pulls a Debbie Gibson and doffs the clothes for Playboy.

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