Sep 28, 2004

internal dialogues: part une

1) by now, you're surely wondering "why has he posted 3 times already today?". followed closely by "why is he awake before noon?", whereby your keen observation will lead you to then wonder "why was he not asleep at 3:05am?"

ah grasshopper, but they are all related. i decided last night that the only way i would make it to my 9am class would be to not sleep at all (call me pragmatic). i can't say my theory was 100% correct, but at the very least i did attend class this morning, so mission accomplished.

2) the scene: walking home from school tired, and more than a little bit spacey from my lack of sleep, empty stomache, and giant cups of coffee.

man. that guy walks funny. look at the way his head doesn't move but his arms swing unnaturally. he looks like a robot.

hm....i wonder what i look like when i walk. do people think *i* walk funny?? oh gosh...

hey! look at that guy! he looks cool when he walks. he kind of has a relaxed swagger. and he kind of bobs and has good shoulder dipping movement when he walks. yea -- thats the key. the rhythm of movement. so all i gotta do is kinda sway like so...and relax a little bit.....

oh man, i wonder if i look like i'm trying too hard to saunter. i'm really going for more of an ambling vibe. crap, do i look like a retarded bobble-head walking down the road?

unnnnhhhhhhhhhh oh man i'm so self-concious......are my hips moving too much? how's my shoulder movement? i'm swinging my arms weird, i know i am. they feel like they're swinging wrong i swear! whats wrong! WHATS WRONG WITH MY ARMS?!?!!

dammit, stop thinking so hard about the way you walk! just walk! you're walking for goodness sake, who needs to think so much? aw CRAP people probably think you're trying too hard to walk cool. you probably look like a total loser. stop it. stop thinking. stopitstopitstopit...stooop iiiiiiiittttttttt

oh look! there's my house! i'm almost home!....walk faster....wait wait, not too fast, you don't wanna look like you're in a rush, that's not cool.....yeaaa...home sweet home....

oh c'mon. who isn't thinking this when they walk down the street.....

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