Oct 1, 2004

shave and a haircut

3:16am - my sleeping patterns continue to resemble those of a nocturnal animal, falling somewhere between a racoon and a sloth.

so the western world is all a flutter today about the first of three debates between bush and kerry. personally, i think this is a shame, because the real news of the day is that ichiro is one hit away from setting the most american of records on the most american of fields: the most hits in a professional baseball season.

let's see, what am i pondering at this ridiculous hour:

first off, i'd hate to be one of those musicians where everybody thinks your debut album is an instant classic, then have all my subsequent albums measured up to (and falling short) of my initial genious work. that must like....suck.

it's like ladder theory -- where a man lands a chick unfathomably out of his league with a huge ladder disparity. it's all downhill from there.

secondly, do you ever just want to throw all of socities laws and conventions out the window? i do. here's a list of things i'd love to do but would probably get in trouble for doing.

- randomly destroying goods in a retail establishment. ideally, a place that sells lots of glass and crystal ware.
- driving on the shoulder of the highway
- breakdance in brooklyn
- sleep nonstop for a week
- become a boxcar child, riding the rails across canada

and in other news, apparently south korea is thinking of moving their capital out of seoul.

can they do that? it'd be like us moving capitals from ottawa to thunderbay. sure, it'll be more central, but am i really going to care anymore about thunderbay? no....no i am not.

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