Dec 2, 2004

internal dialogues: part duex

welcome to another episode of identity crisis simon. full of memorable moments like:

- the time he forgot he taped his glasses up
- the time his parents dressed him up as a girl
- the time he said he'd be a good student

in today's installment, the plot thicken as simon weighs the pros and cons of taking a nap in the midst of his heavy end of term work load.

i want to take a nap...but i shouldn't, because i know when i wake up it's going to be friday morning.

i guess i could set my alarm...

ah, who am i kidding, that never works. stay awake and work it is. but boy, i sure don't wanna work. i'm not even all that sure what it is i'm suppose to do, except i know it's already late. hmmmm....maybe it's time to drop out and start that band i've always wanted to start.....

maybe i'll eat something. or maybe i'll play some games. maybe i'll watch a bit of tv.....i did four pages of reading, i deserve a break.

i wonder how my basketball pool's

i wonder if other people spend as much time online as me. people need to update their blogs more often. i'm getting bored of reading the same thing hour after hour waiting for comments so i can show how clever and witty i am with my little quirky jabs.

i wonder why no one has commented on my new picture.

i wonder how often people actually visit my site. wouldn't it be strange if someone read my site as often as i read everyone elses?

man, i should get back to work. but there's so many gift ideas to share my input about. but i'm too lazy to post in all the forums. man. this gift thing is hard. we should all give each other a nice slap on the behind and be done with it.

why aren't i working? if i work for the next 4 hours, i'll be able to space it out pretty well after my dinner break and hopefully get this thing done by tomorrow afternoon. hm...or i might fall asleep. i bet i'm gonna fall asleep.

crap, i better not fall asleep.

man, i'm sleepy.

i should blog, i haven't blogged in a while.

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