Jan 13, 2005

funny, she doesn't look druish

sometimes i wonder if getting a job is the worst thing we can do.

everyone i talk to seems to be scared to death of graduating and not working. of not being able to make money, or not being sucessful in the material sense.

there's just so much world out there.

graduate....get a job right away, sit in an office 9-5 everyday, 5 days a week. doesn't that seem like you're kind of sacrificing life for money? and sure, you could argue that money *is* life, but i'm pretty sure most of us know deep down nothings that trite.

life to me seems more the pursuit of purpose. of meaning. of doing what you were born to do, doing it well, and enjoying it.

maybe i'm just rationalizing my impending unemployed status, but i'd rather work at starbucks for a year and find what makes me tick than sit in an office for 30 years always wishing i had done more with myself.

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