Jan 27, 2005

to light our darkest hour

yes, i'm refering to the autobot matrix of leadership.


it's so hard to fathom the love that God has for us. to witness just a glimpse of his love poured out among us, between us -- watching people share, talk, laugh, and cry together as true brothers and sisters; one is hard pressed not to be amazed at his grace and faithfulness.

what once was hardened and cynical, dispassionate and apathetic, he has healed. He opened so many eyes, and broke down so many barriers. i can't even express the gratitute and encouragement i have for this group here at school as they (and i) continue to look out for each other and build these absolutely amazing bonds that are without compromise, and forged from honesty and love.

it's a welcome slap in my face, that i should never give up on God. there's such passion that has been built up, the kind of passion in life that can only come from a deep love, and equally important, the focus on the source of that love.

the source of our joy, of our passion, was made clear. not in school, not in work, not even in each other. but in Him.

something i hope i never to take for granted.

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