Apr 29, 2005

how great is our god

ok, so i'm not actually listening to 'how great is our god'. i'm playing it on guitar.

bumming around my brothers place at the moment waiting to meet people downtown. took care of all the chinese visa stuff finally today, i hope it all goes smoothly.

currently blogging on my brothers new 15" powerbook g4. it's so nice! it's totally quiet, i can't hear a thing, and it doesn't seem to suffer from the memory spikes that my IBM has been having as of late whenever i start typing stuff. strange.....i wonder whats causing it. also, i wish i had ilife.....such a fun little suite of software. this one button mouse thing is really stupid though. in all my experience with macs, i just don't get it. it's like the j-gate in jaguars. signature isn't always a good thing.

so i got into toronto around 2am last night, finally having left london for the last time as a resident. hence forth, all trips will be visits, and not returns. what is it they say? there's no going back? good times. many thoughts swirl around my little head as i think of my time at UWO, but i doubt they would fit in one blog.

it's such a nice day today. after a really wet and grey week, it's nice to see the sun make a cameo. despite the franticness and fatigue of moving out and the busyness of prepping for the trip, i'm reminded of how blessed i really am. its no coincidence this tomlin song has sooo been stuck in my head as of late.

was listening to the radio today and the dj quoted a study saying that 90% of people fake a cell phone conversation at least once a month. can that possibly be right?? i don't think i've ever faked a cell phone conversation in my life -- although i can think of times i wish i had.....

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