Jul 16, 2005

the lemon of pink

surprises i discovered while packing that i found amusing:

- an OAC calculus test. final mark, %20
- baritone music from grade school band
- a VHS tape of irene and myself doing hockey play-by-play
- the only political science essay i ever enjoyed writing (i was rewarded with a good mark)
- a little plastic gun that shoots suction darts, circa high school montreal trip
- a photograph of my st. tims W5H championship team
- one lobster shaped bottle holder apparently bought by my parents from the east coast.
- a business card for cammie cheng, "korean seductress"

and perhaps one of my favourites, the 1997 didomi directory.

some excerpts:

if i were a box, i'd be....

"a small, easy to lose box, because i want to isolate myself from society" - beverly ng

"a coleman cooler" - lincoln troi

one thing the world should know about me...

"i like airplane food" - dora yiu

"i don't look like gabe sr." - ernest chan

"i laugh by myself" - grace lee sr.

"i shampoor my hair" - kevin lim

"when i was a young kid, my parents found me by the shores of a shaolin temple. being monks themselves, they taught me the deadly art of the caterpillar. now, i protect innocents from the evil dark forces of...." - graham chung


"raise 4 kids and own a recording studio on the side" - emily ng

"to become like steve" - gabe chan sr.

"to be a candycane striper" - gabe chan jr.

"to grow taller" - gloria cheung

advice for the youth of tomorrow

"squeeze paper towels into a ball before throwing in basket, to prevent from flowing over!!!" - ryan ming

classic moments from youth.

remember, if it ain't dido.....

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