Jul 30, 2005

let the cool goddess rust away

the funny thing with looking forward, is that you can't look back at the same time.

it's hard. it's difficult not to look back in fondness and nostalgia at all that has come to pass. to think about all we've seen along the way, all we've experienced, all that has led us to the here and now. everyone loves a good stroll down memory lane. strolls down future uncertainty are generally a less requested adventure.

and its true that life throws us curveballs here and there. we can't always see them coming, but you sometimes anticipate where they're going to be. and you know what they say -- you can't hit the ball if you don't swing.

the phrase "you can't go back" has so much depth to it. we can't go back to simpler times. we can't go back to correct our mistakes. we can't go back to relive our joys. whats done is done. so many things in life are reversible, while life itself is an immutabe and constant forward progression. time just marches on, whether you're ready or not.

learning to appreciate the past instead of dwelling on it is something that comes with time. it's with seemingly cruel irony that lifes plays on us this reality -- the more memories we make, the more time we spend experiencing life, the more we must learn to live in the present.

not to say we can't always shoot the shit about the good ole' days, or laugh it up about "that time when". but we can't cling on to those memories anymore. the past defines who we are today, but we cannot expect it to define who we will be tomorrow. that's our choice, no one elses.

even if we can't stay in one moment, we can watch the trail we blaze behind us. sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. looking back, we can pause and see just where things changed us, made us, and where we changed those around us. we can gain an understanding and appreciation for what we have seen and heard so far. but instead of longing for what we have tasted, we can desire something greater -- something beyond our wildest expectations.

"you can't go back"


who wants to?

i'd say make me proud -- but i already am.

here's to you.

take care of yourself.

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