Sep 13, 2005

perfect speed

back from the bloc party show, and i must say i was impressed.

they sounded a lot tighter than i expected, and didn't lack at all for energy. the venue kind of blew (the docks) due to the horrible acoustics there, but the crowd was into it. asides from some pushing and shoving in good fun, i must say all in all, it was a kickass show. i'd for sure catch them again.

i caved and bought the cd. i'm a sucker for supporting bands, i don't know what it is. i would have bought the k'naan cd at the ryerson frosh concert too if i had any cash on me. goodness i'm broke.

i'm trying to decide what colour to paint my room. i'm leaning towards greys and blues, or maybe even a combination of both. i also kind of want to paint my ceiling, but i don't know if that's a good idea.....we'll see.

my goal for the week is to not spend any money. from now until saturday, i want to do nothing but free stuff (asides from driving). so who's with me?

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