Nov 25, 2005

yuma az

for some strange and unexplainable reason, my body has been popping up uncomfortably early for an entire week or so now. and by early, i mean around 6:30am. it's quite perplexing.

at the same time however, it's also been quite nice. watching the sunrise in the mornings, getting lots of reading done, enjoying a nice coffee in the morning and brunch while getting all my errands done before late afternoon hits. it's refreshing, this being awake-during-the-day business. i feel more productive.

that may have to do with the fact however that all this time has made me.....well....more productive. i'm whittling down my to-do list quickly every day, and i'm enjoying every morning.

i think i'm officially addicted to coffee. on tuesday i had 4 cups.

before lunch.

i really can't get going without a cup in the morning it seems, and all this waking up early has resulted in a pattern of unavoidable early afternoon naps. i wonder if things will get worse when i actually start having to stuff....when i wake up. man that sounds tiring. i don't know how people live employed, running a morning routine. it's my darkest nightmare.

the downside of all the pretty snow outside is that as usual, my parents have decided to try and freeze me into submission. living in the basements has it's cons, and having to wear mittins when i watch tv is probably one of the biggest ones.

i feel like a hobo.

except without an oil-drum fire.
i've always wanted to huddle around a flaming oil-drum.

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