Dec 14, 2005

let us love and sing and wonder

i like the soft fluffy snow. not the wet kind. even when it's coming down like the world is about to end, soft fluffy snow gives me this serene, comfortable feeling.

it's crazy how caught up with shopping people get this time of year. it makes even the strongest people feel weak at the knees with the urge to consume consume consume. all those sales signs, holiday offers, advertisements, the thrill of the bargain hunt -- it's enough to drive a guy into the trees.

i've decided i'm not going to do any boxing day shopping this year. i'm just tired of it. i'm so tired of that feeling of wanting.

luckily, all this snow has me in a festive mood, and i have tomorrow off. precious precious sleep, how i havemissed thee. i like how people are generally more chipper during the holidays. well, when they're not in the mall. once they're in the mall it's every man, woman, and child for themselves.

but at the office and stuff, everyone just seems so excited -- so childlike-- about the whole thing. i guess at heart, everyone has a soft spot for christmas.

except jews.

but that's ok, they actually get the best of both worlds, so i'm sure there's no complaints there. this got real random real fast....

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