Dec 21, 2005

your grace is enough

blogging at work makes me feel like i'm getting away with slacking.

then i realise that if i'm not blogging, i'm on the message board anyways, so really, there's no tangible difference. so away we go.

i've had some (i wouldn't say hard), but at the very least, thought provoking choices to make of late. i like to believe that i'm making the right decisions, and not trying to cheat the system by martyring myself. i can't fully say i completely believe this is the case, but i'm trying to figure things out as i go.

sad as it seems, i'm still reading jeremiah. i've been reading this book for like, the past 2 months. well, mainly because when i say i've been reading it, i mean i've been reading it once every 6-8 days, hahaha

but anyways, it never fails to amaze me how faithful God has always been. even in the face of an ignorant chosen people, even when his anger is burning and he has come to witts end, he always gives us the option of setting things straight with him.

and that's reassuring, you know? i think one of the hardest parts for me lately hasn't just been trying to do the right thing, but moreso trying not to do the wrong thing. and you just can't live that way. i mean, sometimes you just gotta go with it, and if you screw up, well -- lesson learned.

after a while, i figure i'll have failed enough to be able to see it coming.

or maybe not. maybe this is just the way things are, and growing means learning to live unafraid of our own flawed nature.

but hey -- there's always a choice. everyday is a choice...

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