Jan 30, 2006

this land flows with milk

i should really start sleeping earlier even when i don't have to work. it can't be healthy.

sitting in service this morning, though i was barely awake, i realized how grateful i am that we finally have a pastor again. sure, he may be a bit of a nerd, and kind of likes to draw out those sermon points, but you can tell he cares. and that's more important than all that other stuff put together.

i hope as a church we don't take him for granted, and we should each make him feel appreciated every chance we get. it's the little things that count not just in being a pastor, but in keeping one.

ironically, i suppose that could be said of all relationships. my heads been a mess.

actually, that's not true. my head's in the right place. it's more my heart that won't listen.

completely unrelated, but that whole china rising special on cbc creeps me out. maybe it's just me, but am i the only chinese dude who like, isn't eager to fawn all over china? wow look at how developed they are! look at the difficult struggle of a nation as it tries to balance modern civilization with thousands of years of culture and history! oh the growing pains!

yes yes, it's all very interesting. does it bother no one that china is evolving not like a normal industrialized country, but more like a cyborg developed in a lab to crush it's opponents? it's just not natural.

if china were a boxer, it'd be Ivan Drago. and despite all his fancy shmancy adjustable tread mill running montage scenes and punch-o-meter off the chart recordings, we all know what happened to Ivan Drago.


adriaaaaaaannnnee! yo addriaaaanneeee!

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