Feb 2, 2006

only this moment

i have rediscovered a passion.


it's odd how i just stopped watching tv outside of sports for the longest time, but i can't help but notice that there has been a gradual paradigm shift in the landscape of television shows, emphasising story telling over characters. things are cyclical, but i must say i find the recent wave of shows to be much more worth my time than say, friends reruns or new episodes of joey.

it's pretty clear that the sitcom has passed away. from what i can see, the best shows on tv are all one hour long. hell, even scrubs is an hour. it just seems people have realized that the amount of involvement that can be imbued on a one hour tale is worth more than twice the timeslot. good on them.

i also find that the shows i'm most interested in are all the satirical and darkly witty ones. the shows that are self-depreciating but only so far as life itself is.

well, except for project runway. that's an awesome show, but purely because of the competition and the fact that fashion designers were genetically programmed to be enjoyable characters to watch on tv.

showtime seems to have cornered the market on jaded and compelling underdog female characters that you love to root for. i can't stop watching dead like me, and weeds.

honestly, most everything that's good has already been done. even scrubs is sort of just my new version of undergrads, which in turn was sort of my new version of growing pains meets saved by the bell meets the wonder years.

but weeds....is original. it's outrageous, but real enough that you believe the characters, because they're so...human. also, the premise is awesome. they couldn't have screwed this show up if they tried, but as it is.....best....show.....ever.

i hear lost and battlestar galactica are good too, but there probably isn't enough sexual content in those shows to keep me interested. for example, it helps that the main character in weeds is ridiculously good looking. she plays a mother of two, but who cares. yummmm

yea, i said it. what? what?

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