Feb 10, 2006

the fix

a lot of times, we lose sight of the big picture. i'm worried that i didn't dress warmly enough today, and almost missed the fact that the falling snow is absolutely gorgeous.

it's easy to get so immersed and focused on what we have right in front of us that we simply forget how expansive our lives are. yes, there are the small things we often miss -- yet on the other hand, there are also so many things outside of our immediate field of vision that we so often take for granted.

why do we love to limit ourselves? to paint ourselves into these little boxes and assume this box is where my life begins and ends?

it's so cliche, but everyday i feel the need to remind myself what my priorities are. to look beyond my little box and realize that there's more going on out there than just the things right in front of me.

we are so easily distracted. passion brings about focus.

what brings about passion?

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