May 13, 2006

us ones in between

is heart a quantifiable characteristic?

and when i say heart, i don't mean hockey grit -- i'm referring to the human perspective. as in, when you describe someone as having a good heart, what does that mean exactly?

i have many great friends. i know many amazing people. but even of those i am close to, i would not say they all have good hearts in the sense that they are inherently selfless. there are people who think about themselves first, and those who put others before them.

to me, having a good heart is when you put people before you without having to make a concious effort to do so. when loving those around you is just instinctive.

why the semantical monologue you ask? i don't know. i've just been spending a lot of time this past week examining my priorities, and what matters to me in life. funerals will do that to a guy.

apropos, there was no actual conclusion reached at the end of my daydreaming and mind wandering. all i know is i want to take no one around me for granted ever.

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