Nov 7, 2006

hoppipolla afturabak

busy weekend past. busy week ahead.

i was telling ivan recently how i feel like i've been thrown into some strangers life, what with all the changes that have occurred around these parts lately. my schedule is suddenly hectic, my responsibilities suddenly many, my days off suddenly far and few between.

i embrace it all though. i know that the challenge is where my lessons lie. that's always the way i've been, and i'm slowly....painfully learning to step up to the task. especially when it's the easy, obvious tasks. those are the ones i usually take for granted, and as such, the ones i usually screw up. for me, the problem is never handling the crisis. it's merely maintaining the status quo, so as to avert crises.

a lot of strange thoughts floating around in the head lately, what with funerals, birthdays, and so many great friends whom God has shown His love through to me. much to be thankful for. much to learn. thanks everyone for a great first week of November.

here's to many more.

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