Nov 15, 2006

rootless tree

is there a precedence for keeping or deleting pictures of exes? i mean, it's one thing if you don't throw away print photos. it's understandable to me that you just keep all your photos that have been printed because memories are meant to be remembered.

digital photos however seem to pose a more complicated scenario. i mean, if a girl is looking through your photos and you have old pictures of your ex, i think it's safe to assume she'll understand.

but if a girl is looking through your digital pictures on your computer and you still have like, entire folders of stupid random pictures of your ex, doesn't that seem a bit....uh....i dunno.....uncool?

personally, i think the digital medium makes them more expendable, simply because most of those pictures were probably not very good anyways because they were taken loosey-goosey.

i dunno, for some reason it just seems like digital photos should be deleted, but printed ones are ok. it's almost like prints get grandfather claused whenever you meet a new girl, because she understands the nostalgia associated with paper photos.

i'm curious what opinions the ladies have on both sides of the ledger.

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