Feb 7, 2007

suffer for fashion

change freaks me out man.

i just realized that the past year has been ridiculous. my life a year ago is absolutely unrecognizable compared to my life now. i was moseying along just fine until i became aware of how much my life has actually changed.

now i'm all freaked out and unsure of things.

stupid brain. i should stop thinking while i'm ahead. oh well.

amusing parent anecdote #51

*Simon finishes a cell phone conversation towards the end of dinner*

mom: who was that?
me: a friend, he was asking for restaurant suggestions for valentines day dates
dad: it depends on his budget
me: i think he's aiming for around $50 per person
dad: that's not very much....that's like a normal meal. he should just go to a chinese restaurant
me: i think he's looking for something a little more romantic....
dad: valentines day is stupid anyways. it's such a waste of money. just go to swiss chalet.
me: uh....ok
mom: when we were dating, all your dad did was come over and eat free meals at my house.
me: smooth dad, smooth. any other keen dating tips for me?
dad: what? it's not about money. me and mom used to eat cheap food all the time, it's about memories, not money
mom: i don't remember any of those meals...

*about ten seconds of awkward silence*

dad: tell carmen to come over and eat with us for valentines day.
me: uh....i'm going to pass
dad: you should take her to a chinese restaurant
me: uhhh.....
dad: or swiss chalet
me: i have to go now.....

you know what the kicker to this story is? guess what we were eating for dinner at the time?

yup. swiss chalet.

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