Sep 17, 2007

vampires hate italians

we like to convince ourselves of things we know are not true.

this is a fact of life, and despite our sometimes adamant denial of this seemingly naive behavior, we all know it happens, and often. this is why we usually laugh at people when they say things like "i hate linkin park", "i find reality television to be inane, and would surely watch more tv if american idol were replaced by a show that chronicled the history of long-division", or "i'm not really looking for a relationship right now".

people 90% of the time do not believe individuals who make broad sweeping and quasi-pretentious sounding comments like this. in fact, people who tend to make these comments usually do not even believe themselves. regardless, this is behavior that we succumb to all the time.

we need to lie to ourselves once in a while just to make our lives seem that tiny bit more bearable. be it a false sense of intellectualism, anti-intellectualism, or some sort of self-reverse psychology to combat our underlying desires to be wanted, we will often tell ourselves whatever it takes to keep ourselves sane. and strangely enough, we will force ourselves to believe it, despite how absurd it might be to think some people genuinely find the OC to be utterly unentertaining, or that ambient music is honestly more complex than sitting in a coin-operated laundromat with a blindfold on.

these are all things we know inherently. and yet we constantly wake up everyday and attempt to brainwash ourselves otherwise, for no other reason than we fear who we might really be, or what others might think of us should they ever get to actually know us.

this is why we let so few people into our inner sanctum's, and why falling in love can often be such a journey fraught with peril -- that level of trust is sacred in our relationships, be it with friends or lovers, and the thought that someone might view our inner workings and have the audacity to not just escape us, but tell the world about our issues; well, that's enough to bring a person to convince themselves animal collective make catchy music.

if anything is degrading in our society, i find it is our ability as human beings to be honest -- both with ourselves and other people. and i'm not quite sure why. somehow, through some entirely non-scientific method (or perhaps an entirely scientific method), i would like to figure out why this is. and perhaps even more importantly, i hope i won't have to keep pretending i hate romantic comedies to do so.


Cammie said...

so you don't hate romantic comedies? just Nottinghill then...

I think "I'm not really looking for a relationship right now" really translates to "I'm not that desparate to date anyone I know who's currently available so I'm just holding out for better".

I think I can be pretty darn honest about everything that isn't me. cause most of the time i just confuse myself.

Simon said...

the truth: i've always found all hugh grant movies to be at least moderately endearing. even the horrendous waste of money that was american dreamz.

HOWEVER, i do still feel quite insulted by the social implications of Nottinghill's supposed plot, and my disdain for it is quite real.

some might describe this as a love-hate relationship, although in this particular case, a bemused/annoyed relationship may prove more accurate.

theresa :) said...

wow. good post.. i totally agree. i also don't like when ppl flippantly say things they don't mean just for the sake of saying things. but it might be something i'm guilty of sometimes too.

Steph said...

Hey i've always liked linkin park...

i still dont like Bjork though mwahahaha! i know that bothers you cuz you know i really DO mean it hahaha. If i could separate her music from her lyrics and singing style i would like her better but to me they go hand in hand.