Nov 28, 2007


i'm always mildly offended when people refer to the "Real World" post university/college. 

i mean, i understand what is meant and in many cases the patronization is not entirely intentional. to a certain extent, i completely accept that student life is by definition a fictitious existence, predicated on the idealistic farce that you can be whatever you want if you get a good grade (i'm not cynical in the slightest...)

when someone refers to this "Real World" however, i am always left wondering how strange the concept is that you can exist in the same temporal plane as the person next to you, yet concede they live in an entirely different world. 

i mean, that'd be like some crazy alien showing up and telling you the world actually has five dimensions, but we can only see three and thus are missing out on a whole wack load of "reality" as it were. actually, isn't this a real theory somewhere? but anyways. 

i guess my long winded and completely un-focused point is that part of me realizes that i'm wearing... perhaps not rose coloured, but at the very least mildly pink tinted glasses right now. i am still idealistic. i am still hopeful. i still have delusions of grandeur. and frankly, the notion of a cold and harsh reality scares the bejesus out of me. the idea that i could one day wake up 40 years old and be completely disappointed with the first half of my life. 

then again, a little bloody eyeball mentioned (in a different context) today that worrying about everything will drive you crazy. so yes. i would be remiss if i did not state that one of my goals for the future is to, you know. not be crazy. yes, i dream big dreams lady and gentlemen. welcome to my world. 

on a completely unrelated note, if there was a pivotal moment where one could say, yes, chinese people run Vancouver, this would be it:

those are the mascots for the upcoming winter olympics. and somewhere, a 50 foot fob is searching for his or her missing giant cell-phone charms.

1 comment:

Cammie said...

you sound like john mayer. haha

what the heck ARE those? it looks like a panda with fins, a tree trunk and a bear with wings....i guess we have trees in vancouver. haha...they should have like a moose and a polar bear. maybe the panda is a seal or something. that is dissappointing. haha