Nov 12, 2007

the mondays

- there is nothing particular interesting about this story on LPGA golfer Paula Creamer winning this past weekend's Tournament of Champions. what IS interesting however, is if you flip open today's globe and mail to this same story, you'll notice that the headline is different from the AP deck that appears in the above link. in print form, this morning's headline was "Creamer in pink." I shake my head at you, globe and mail. she has an unfortunate last name, we get it. now can we all be adults about it? I won't lie however, i giggled like a school girl upon first reading that headline...

- Another interesting globe story about differing circadian rhythms being a quantifiable genetic trait. being nocturnal myself, i want to believe this is true. but....part of me is inclined to think it's all a fair bit of wishful thinking. the "research" provided is a tad thin at best. call it a hunch, but i'm willing to bet that story was written last minute and submitted late...

- ESPN's page2 has a few great columns up about BB boycotting the HOF, and the ubiquity of asterisks in history. particularly funny is this tidbit by DJ Gallo:

1536: John Calvin develops Calvinism, which espoused predestination*
*Calvin does not really deserve credit for introducing Calvinism, since he was predestined to develop it.

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