Jan 23, 2008

chasing bylines

you know that whole thing where opposites are supposed to attract?

i don't really get it. from what i can tell, much more often than not samesies attract way more than opposites. 

i feel like this myth has led innumerable impressionable young youth into making many a bad decision. someone should look right into this, and i would be willing to bet with great certainty that this atrocious fallacy would be repealed in the same manner our archaic nutritional pyramid was proven to be bad for you despite our childhood indoctrination of basic food groups and eating habits. 

if the simplest answer is usually the right one, opposites attract clearly is nothing more than the wistful fancy of some over-romanticized loner. 

on an unrelated note, over the past year my cynicism has reached astonishing new heights. i am officially an emotionless void; a biological organism with a cybernetic exo-skeleton sent from the future to kill john connor. 

on an extra unrelated note, lets list yet one more reason i love the wire. this season is about the media, and auteur david simon is doing everything in his power to shed insight into the plight of today's newspapers and the realities of that industry. 

in a delicious twist of post-modern irony, the use of a cable television show to cheerlead the cause of newspapers seems like a stroke of genius that i cannot fathom has never been thought of before. 

if there was a word to describe awe induced applause at a respectful volume and cadence, insert that word here please.


Vivian Mau said...

what prompted this whole polar attraction diatribe?

Anonymous said...

soo... you're watching that new Terminator Chronicles show?