Jun 18, 2009

This is what we call irony

Watch Food Inc.

Eat a steak.

Get food poisoning.

I felt pretty queasy while eating the strip actually, it was incredibly raw. I mean, I asked for rare but it was definitely blue.

And now, the toilet paper count is at 5 rolls. Vomit count at 8. Can't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. I feel uncomfortable would be a gross understatement.

I've redefined liquid poop, I think.


Dust said...

Dude, that sounds pretty severe. You need to REPORT that shit.

Toronto residents who suspect that they have food poisoning after eating in a Toronto food establishment should consult with their physician and report the illness as soon as possible to Toronto Public Health's Communicable Diseases Surveillance Unit at (416)392-7411.

You can also run a search:


blt said...

yeah, that's probably reportable, haha. i had no idea it was that bad, i thought it was just a little loose stool/vomit. geez. hope you feel better dude!

i said...

dude. hope you feel better. let me know if i can help. it should get a lot better in the next day, but may take weeks to completely resolved.