Jun 1, 2004

adventures with seniors.

so, part of my new job involves me standing around in front of supermarkets.

ok, i lied. standing in front of supermarkets is actually all my job requires. but anyways, it provides an interesting opportunity to meet all sorts of different people, and i'm usually in parts of town i never have a reason to visit.

so i was standing at my little booth today, and an old lady walked up to me and we got to chatting. seems she was a school teacher back in her youth, and she left me with some words of wisdom:

"before you can be old and wise, you have to be young and stupid"

interesting.....interesting indeed.....

old people are cool.

in other news, yay for tax returns and having some pocket money with which to feed myself once in a while. double yay for actually making decent money at this job, even though it's really boring and pointless. triple yay for having awesome hours, hehheh....

and on that note, farewell.

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