Jun 22, 2004

anti-terrorism terrorism

so....the theme of the day over in iraq seems to be: beheadings!

not to seem callous or insensitive to the families and victims of these murders, does anyone else seem a little perplexed by the logic of these terrorist acts?

i mean....ok. fly a plane into the WTC. we get your point -- you're mad as hell and you're not gonna take it anymore. [you know you're in MIT wheeeen.....]

at least bombings and attacks have an effect. i mean, simply mention the word "terrorist" or "brown foreign guy" in front of a group of americans and half of them wet their pants and run. to be honest, i think the terrorists did a pretty good job of....uh....terrorising.

but this beheading thing.....wha? do they really....really think that a country is going to pull all their troops out of iraq to save one persons life? especially when basically every government in the world has strict policies to not appease terrorist demands?

they can't be that naive can they? ignorant, idealistic terrorists -- fresh out of terrorist school and yet to be crushed by the reality of their underdog situation. hoping against hope for an islamic utopia that they can help kickstart.

well, sorry boys. welcome to r-e-a-l. l-i-f-e.

it seems all this chopping off heads does is get people from countries that were originally lukewarm about trying to bomb you to smithereens, and unite them in their seething hatred towards you and your cause.

so....really.....you're terrorists who succeed only in bringing terror attacks on....yourself. because really....no one's listening to what you have to say, but even the most leftist liberal is probably liable to kick your ass without even thinking about a civil conversation first.

conspiricy theorists would go so far as to think these beheading are staged just to unite divided opinions into a coherent front for this war.

but me? naaaah.

i just think they're idiots.

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