Jun 16, 2004

a ah ah ah ah, you know this, love is true....

so i was wondering about the meaning behind some of the psalms in the bible.

there are some psalms where the general theme seems to be: "God will smite my enemies"

but at the same time in the old testament, there's the book of Job, where we learn that loving God simply doesn't hinge on what he does for us, but on the fact that he's worthy of worship -- that he is God.

then finally, we get to the new testament, and jesus shows us that a lot of the stuff from the old testament about smiting our enemies is old and busted -- loving and praying for those who persecute you is the new hotness.

soo.....i wonder.....jesus says that the laws are still important, and that makes sense. the 10 commandments are an absolute for staying fresh with God. but, where does the relevence of all the passages in the old testament about smiting enemies go?

are they obsolete? what's the use of them now that jesus says cool kids don't smite?

hm.....interesting questions all.

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