Aug 24, 2004

canada's leading cuba in olympic baseball into the 6th....

on any note, i was wondering about the subjectivity of maturity.

yea, it's a slow day at work.

regardless, i wonder sometimes: what exactly is mature? what does it mean to be mature? act mature? look mature?

i mean this pertaining to people of course, not say -- a stock or a bond.

the definition would be...

    1. Having reached full natural growth or development: a mature cell.
    2. Having reached a desired or final condition; ripe: a mature cheese.
  1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of full development, either mental or physical: mature for her age.
    1. Suitable or intended for adults: mature subject matter.
    2. Composed of adults: a mature audience.
so, it saying maturity in a person is when they become fully adult? what does that even mean?

sometimes, i think it's obvious when someone acts mature, or conversely, acts very immature. but sometimes, i think we don't even notice our own nuances. calling someone immature can be such a contrived and hypcritical judgment, yet at the same time it can simply be an observation that's clear as day.

i guess we're sorta treading back into that whole judging thing, but this is more just along the lines of what the heck it means to be mature?

do you consider yourself mature? if not, who do you consider mature? if you do consider yourself mature, by what basis are you drawing your opinion and conclusion?

personally, i think i'm starting to veer on the more grown up side of the line. when i was young, i had no idea what i should be doing, why, and how.

right now, i'm at the point where i know what i should be doing, but often i fail to live up to the standards i set or that have been set for me.

i think true maturity for me -- and others as well, in my opinion -- is when you know what you should/have to do, and you just do it.

that's my definition of maturity. regardless of it involving making a sacrifice, sucking up your pride, hurting your selfish desires -- if you know deep down it's what you should do, or whats best for you or those you care for -- then you do it. no whining, no questions, no procrastination.

i'm not there yet. but i'm truckin'

now back to watching the olympics.

sometimes, work can be no different from home, haha

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