Aug 18, 2004

like sands through an hour glass.....

first things first:

1) episodes of call for help are being made available as they air via bittorrent.
2) search for "cfh" and you should find the first few epsiodes that have aired
3) watch and be amused.

moving on to the actual post....

you know, there was actually a period of time (about 5 summers ago) where i actually watched "days" pretty much every day. why? because on the show, some girl was possessed by the devil or something and i started watching out of of morbid curiosity.

then....for some reason, i couldn't stop.

well, i could, but whenever i had nothing better to do, i would settle down in front of the tv in the afternoons......

anyways, i guess sometimes i wonder if despite all the wailing about how life imitates art and the cultural connotations of this within our post-modern society, part of me still likes to think that soap operas are nothing more than a microcosm of the human psyche.

maybe not even the psyche, maybe just part of it -- the id maybe? or the superego? i don't remember this crap.

so often life seems like nothing but a charade. we have our drama, we have our characters in our lives who leave, who come through. who are important to certain story lines but only marginally so later on.

then there are characters which you would consider the stars, and the co-stars.

the star -- naturally -- is yourself. i mean, it's your own life for goodness sake. but....who are your co-stars? who are the characters in your life that make or break the success of the series? who define the show just as much as the star, creating an aura of energy, dynamic, and excitement?

so many people have moved away this summer. some of them back home, some of them for a temporary time, and some for a more indefinate sort of situation. i can't say i've ever experienced anything like this before. but rest assured my fellow co-stars -- you know who you are -- the series will continue to skyrocket in popularity, reaching new heights only because of the dilligence and value of your individual contributions to this pastiche i

you guys are all awesome.

of course finally and specifically, to my childhood friend, my st.tims buddy, and mad hook up for contacts and eye exams -- you're going to have an amazing year. write often, pray hard, play hard, and remember that you -- you! -- are fearfully and wonderfully made. praise the Lord, because you're a blessing, and immeasurably blessed. thanks for everything, and i hope you make memories that only exceed our own as you venture out on this new phase of your life.

but of'll bring stories of those memories back for us. eventually.


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