Aug 12, 2004

water cooler talk

so i'm at work right now and i'm starting to see how people could go mad doing the same thing everyday. i mean heck -- i have a fun job and even this gets tedious every once in a while. i just sit here surfing the net. it sounds fun, but i'd much rather be spending my time elsewhere since i'm only really working like, every other hour. we're basically on-demand helpers, haha

just realising that some people work from 9-5 without fail, doing something much more stressfull, with less obvious results, no gratitude and absolutely no appreciation for their work.....i dunno. i think i'd go nuts. i don't know how anyone could ever sit in a cubicle day after day hammering away at their keyboard crunching numbers or writing pages of crap they could care less about.

why? why woud you damn yourself to doing something you hate?

i enjoy coming in -- especially cuz i get to come in at 11am -- but also because it's fun around here, and i get to learn new things and have cool job perks that i can take home.

but man. i've decided there's NO way i could do a job i didn't enjoy or care about. a job that's just going through motions. i'd much rather be doing something i want for free then getting paid a crapload of money to let my soul whither away and die.

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