Feb 1, 2005

dun duuuuuuuun......dun duuuuuuuuun.

i've been feeling things slow down a bit lately. i know part of it is because i'm allowing it to happen, but sometime just feel kind of helpless to stop myself from being lazy. i have to start learning to pray harder and actually believe that it has nothing to do with my own ability to change -- because right now, i think that ability would be....non-existant.

on the bright side, i've been blessed with a small group that continue's to amaze me. getting to know the froshies has been pretty cool, and it's been encouraging to see some of the quieter ones start to come out of their shell. cranium late game comebacks make for pratical bonding.

and thanks dor for letting us borrow it btw!

in other news, i have officially cracked open text books for TWO subjects now. i'm waaay behind. but the books have been used.

baby steps. baby steps.

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