Oct 23, 2006

the lottery

i can't believe it's october 24th.

where the hell did this month go? i mean, seriously. i actually might have to start doing some school work at this pace.

my favourite things about living alone, most of which i had forgotten i loved:

+ playing music as loud as i want
+ peace and quiet
+ i can do my laundry whenever i damn please
+ playing music as loud as i want at 3am
+ taking a dump with the door open
+ nothing is as comforting as a game of DOTA, with the volume cranked, while drinking good wine from the bottle.
+ i can wake up without someone ripping my comforter off me and carrying it upstairs
+ having friends over
+ freedom to come and go at anytime without feeling guilty
+ i don't have to wear pants
+ always have the car
+ the television is never...ever on fairchild
+ getting to cook again. i had forgotten that was actually kind of fun.


+ boy am i hungry
+ i think i have scurvy

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