Aug 28, 2007

maybe, maybe not

so increasingly, i find everyone just wants to play softball.

i've been playing for a lot of summers now, and it's always a good time. i mean, you get to enjoy the weather, run around a bit, and spend the day hanging out with good friends. what's not to like?

but it seems recently, people have started to go softball CRAZY. so many of the same people i played with in church league are now playing softball at least 3-4 times a week, every week during the summer. now, i'm not saying this is a bad thing. i am merely saying that as much as i like the sport, there has definitely been a noticeable surge in the games popularity (particularly amongst asians) over the last couple years, and it continues to grow.

i mean, even at my church, we went from having just 1 team, to 3, to 4 teams this year, with enough numbers realistically to field 5 teams if we had the resources.

what's up with this? i think it's great kids are getting into it (although personally, i'd have my own kids play hardball instead) but, where the heck did this come from?

actually, what i think really makes me envious is that people don't show this kind of interest in basketball. if i had people to play basketball with 3-4 times a week, i'd be in much better shape.

i find it comes in fads amongst us asians. it used to be dragonboat, but that is starting to wane. now softball is peaking, but you can already see that the next thing coming up is going to be ultimate, and kind of along with that golf.

hmm.... now that i type it out, i suppose it makes sense, since those sports go from the most exerting down to the least...

dammit. i guess i should invest in some golf clubs....

1 comment:

Cammie said...

um...i would offer to play basketball with you...but i think you'd kill yourself out of frustration. hahaha

I think more ppl are playing softball and stuff just cause there are so many others already into it, its a social sport.

tennis and vball!