Aug 20, 2007

only because herb asked

here's one of those updating my life with current event posts that i rarely if ever partake in.

this weekend, i went to vanex's jack and jill, organized brilliantly by the leung family and crew (that would be us). it went off without a hitch, and fun was had by all while enjoying company, celebrating the couple of the hour (and hours continually onward until september 22nd), and doing some salsa dancing. lots of fun, no stories to tell, except that one where brian was macking girls. i bore no witness to said macking, but he has promised to repeat it next time we go clubbing with even greater results. i am giddy with anticipation.

today me and a small gaggle of gals took in finals sunday at the rogers cup. justine henin won it all again this year, and we learned several things from our first live tennis match, including the zeal of serbian tennis fans, as well as the importance of sunblock.

speaking of which, upon inspection when i got home, the right side of my body is definitively and quite obviously more tan than the left side.

to further sate herb's appetite for news from the homeland, i will update him regarding the five juicest pieces of gossip currently making the rounds:

5) wendy has a friend that we officially refer to now as date-rape. it is the rare occasion where that term can be used, and despite its absurdly inappropriate nature, we generally all just laugh because we actually understand who we're talking about.

4) western has turned brian into a pimp. why that never happened to us, i do not know.

3) the current hottest topics of conversation are: weddings, engagement rings, and things to wear to weddings (in that order).

2) somebody has a crush on cammie

1) that somebody is herb


Ivan said...

wow. you asked for the gossip herb. simon was just obliging.

i witnessed the brian macking and it was pretty awesome. western has done good things for you my friend.

Cammie said...

...i entered in a comment...but it disappeared. anyways, it does not warrant repeating. haha...

Steph said...

I also witnessed the macking. Way to go bri!

Well at least the girl isnt nick named "passed out poop" like that other girl... ew...

perhaps more gossip will ensue at van's wedding.

yea too many people are getting married and getting engaged. 2 guys in my RE class just got engaged and 4 guys from work just got married. Actually its all the guys hahaha. Going to a wedding this saturday too. man...

Anonymous said...

i still don't know what you guys are talking about!?! and i asked to take back that promise about macking at a club, haha

aww, poor date-rape.. she means well...

nice pic of the match, btw