Mar 29, 2008

thinking green. sort of.

Skimming the weekend editions of our venerable major broadsheets, there is a noticeable difference in the way tonight's Earth Hour is being covered by our national and local newspapers. 

The Star, unsurprisingly, has embraced the darkness with open (smothering?) arms, updating the top story of their website as the environmental shadow rolls through each major time zone. "Scandinavia darkens" sounds awfully ominous if you take it out of context, but I digress. 

The Globe meanwhile is approaching tonight's... festivities, with a fistful of salt. Rex Murphy's op-ed piece, while hitting an awful lot of nails on the head, also manages to make him seem more sourpuss than John Lithgow was in Flashdance. 

The Life section of the Globe also features a to-do list for tonight that plants its tongue so firmly in its cheek you almost expect the writer to don a Captain Planet costume tonight and run around purple-nurpling hippies. 

The contrast I think speaks a lot to how we as global citizens have accepted the commodification of environmentalism. Although I also believe the reality of the situation is complex and lies in a happy medium, both views will certainly hold more than a modicum of truth up to our organic wax candles this evening. 

see you in the morning.


i said...

adam spent earth hour saying "I conserve energy everyday! why do I have to turn off my lights for one hour?" and proceeded to continue working on his computer for his psychiatry paper due monday. and it's true. he's an environmental one, that guy. he got in trouble in undergrad for setting up a makeshift compost on the windowsill of his dorm room. i spent earth hour taking a nap. but i saw nelly furtado during rehearsals in city hall. she's a really good live singer!

Steph said...

unfortunately i spent it eating all you can eat hot pot. So i was in a place with all their lights on as well as hot pot stoves bubbling away. But i'm positive i turned off all the lights in the house before leaving.

Cammie said...

I forgot about earth hour until it was 5 minutes to 9pm. hahaha...many lights and tv and computer were all on. ah well. i didn't see the point anyways. what's the point in making you turn off lights for an hour...those office buildings and stuff should keep they're lights off all the time when there is no one there....

..........john lithgow was in flashdance??