Apr 17, 2008

Mutant powers

When I got my wisdom teeth removed in high school, I chalked my utter lack of recovery time as a fortunate matter of happenstance.

In retrospect however, I concede there has been a history of either playing sports through injuries, or simply healing quickly in my daily scratches and nicks. But I never thought it was unusual per se. 

Until this week, when I played basketball and was (again) pushed into a wall while in mid-air. I sprained my right ankle and bruised my left heel, but was able to tighten my shoe laces and just play the rest of the night relatively unencumbered. 

Upon untying my shoes at the end of the night, I realized that my ankles were in severe pain. I had trouble driving, and by the time I got home I couldn't put weight on my right ankle without sharp jabbing pain. It had noticeably swollen already, and I couldn't even sleep on that side of my body because it hurt to torque it with even the weight of just my foot.

Anyways, I woke up this morning still swollen and limping. I was in pain, but much better than the night before although still unable to apply too much weight to my right ankle. 

I went to work, and had a relatively normal work day. Some time around 2pm, I realized that although I definitely felt a little sore, I seemed to suddenly be completely pain free. I did some quick movement, and lo and behold my ankle seems to be completely healed, and the bruise on my other foot is a bit tender, but nothing to really write home about.

In short, I have exhibited freakish mutant Wolverine powers over the course of a single day.

Naturally, I will only use my abilities for good, not evil, and embrace the responsibility that comes with great power.

Good day.


Cammie said...

.....i need some of these powers. it really isn't fair.

Anonymous said...

really? that sounds... quite mutant, haha. are you sure it's not just adrenaline?

Steph said...

I used to be quite a quick healer too but i think with age that has gone away a little, quicker than cam but that's not saying much haha... Although i think i still have quite a good high tolerance for pain and my reaction time is still pretty good to avoiding getting hurt in the first place. Ever since i sprained both my ankles really badly in highschool my ankles are like rubber bands and havent injured themselves for more than a split second to date even when i roll my ankles.

Steph said...

maybe you just have really high tolerance for pain.