Jun 8, 2009

It was only a matter of time...

The funniest thing about this is that I actually had a conversation with a friend who suggested I make a men's makeup tutorial video. Sadly, I was beaten to the punch. At least I was right in thinking there isn't much to say about the topic though. Concealer and lip balm. Check.

In completely unrelated but completely awesome news, most people (and by most, I mean 4 of the 5 people who will read this) know I have a celebrity crush on Reese Witherspoon. If Natalie Portman were to ever reject me, I would totally settle for Reese. I'd be a great stepfather, I know it.

Anyways, as if she wasn't cute, stylish and endearing enough, she is currently practicing with the UCLA Women's softball team to train for a movie role where she is a softball player.


Be still my beating heart.


Cammie said...

she should be careful not to fall and split her knee open...also, you're like the only reese witherspoon fan i know. haha other ppl seem to find her annoying.

Simon said...

Other people are stupid.

Unknown said...

yes, but can she wear pink and carry around a purse-dog while playing softball, that is the question