Aug 15, 2006

first time

i seem to have hit a blogging speed bump. rare in these long summer days of....uh...barely existing.

the schedule has consisted of a few weeks of non-stop going out, which i have followed up nicely with two straight days of nothing but camping out in my room catching up on the new seasons of freshly downloaded television shows. as much as i've made fun of some people for watching tv instead of going out, it's moderation.

time to hit the stretch run of the summer by soaking in as much of the gorgeous weather as i can. thankfully, most of those outdoorsy activities are easy on the wallet.

i can't believe i have school again this fall. the idea is so.....surreal. i thought that university was the best years of my life when i initially finished undergrad. and you know, they honestly were right up there as some of the best damn months i've ever had.

but i just can't say they were my best years. and i'm glad i feel that way, because it actually means i believe the best is yet to come. and i know it's cliche, and that everyone says it. but to really, honestly feel that in yourself? to trust that even despite your inner cynic, you really aren't rationalizing, or bullshiting yourself?

sometimes we slog through the crap of life hoping to catch a glimpse of a reason to go on. our reasons are so often put up on pedestals, invested into long term committments that you expect not to bear fruit for at least several years of your life. but man, i have to say -- optimism is addictive once you catch that glimpse of what lays ahead.

keeping myself running on coffee just to survive for the next month? that's probably going to cost me a tupperware container full of quarters.

to be able to do it guilt free?


.....this is completely unrelated, but did you know that sloan from entourage grew up right here in toronto? she's a local product, baby!

be still my beating heart....

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