Aug 7, 2006

killing moon

i thought i'd be more sore after so many games of softball. surprisingly, i feel pretty good. maybe i'm not as old as i keep thinking i am....

i have a strange, pulsating pain from deep inside the lower-rear part of my head. it's like my brain is trying to get out of my skull or something. my first thought is that i might simply have spent too much time in the sun this weekend -- somewhere in the area of 20 hours in two days.

maybe i have mild sunstroke resulting in a little bit of a headache. but i don't feel dehydrated, or particularly tired or anything.

and yet, there goes that jabbing pain from my brain again.

maybe something burrowed its way into my head and laid eggs.

enh. i'll do what i always do to cure my mystery ailments. sleeeeeeeeep.

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