Apr 3, 2006

burn up the bay

there are some things in life that i just don't understand.

why didn't the gay cowboys from brokeback mountain just move somewhere more tolerant of gay people? it was like the 1970's, do they realize the party they could have had in san fran? it's akin to a polish nazi being scared of being called a racist during world war 2.

why doesn't mike james ever pass the damn ball? does he get a contract at the end of the year based on how many shots he makes this season, and is just going for sheer volume without a conscience?

why make a musical out of the Lord of the Rings? did they hire midgets to play the hobbits? are the midgets good at singing? who can really take a singing midget seriously anyways?

what are the requirements for getting an infomercial to air? it surely can't be the quality of product -- have you seen the q-ray bracelet? it doesn't DO anything. they might as well be selling voodoo magic pills. "Wear this bracelet and it will cure you of every possible human ailment, as well as align your posture and make you more likely to get laid".

what's with girls and pointy shoes? you're literally trying to project a deformation of one of your bodyparts. is it a subconcious effort to look more like a robot? a way to pay respect to geometry? if i were to wear a hat that made my head look like a rhombus, would that be haute couture?

if straight people watch straight porn and find gay porn uncomfortable, and gay people watch gay porn, do they find straight porn uncomfortable? if a lesbian were to watch gay-male porn, or a gay male to watch lesbian porn, would that be like the most confusing and awkward of pornographic viewer/content permutations?

the mysteries of existence.

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