Apr 7, 2006


my internal clock is so messed up.

the sure fire sign that i've seen too many episodes of 'what not to wear' is that i'm completely amused by dressing my yahoo avatar. so this is what it's like to play with a barbie.


speaking of wasting time, 3:45am CSI is fast becoming something of a ritual. must fix myself.

the quote of the week, taken from time magazine --

[re: the US immigration issue]

"Attrition through enforcement: instead of allowing the illegal population to grow every year, we start enforcing the law inside the country, something we don't do at all unless your name is Mohammed and you work inside a nuclear power plant." (Mark Krikorian, Executive Director, Center for Immigration Studies)

i fell off my chair laughing when i read that sentence, hahahaha

it's so rare time prints anything even remotely insightful. usually they have articles like "someone invented a solar powered toothpick that will change the world forever".

damn split runs....

as an aside, i find about 98% of the time i actually type the words "hahaha" i am completely stonefaced.

i'm either a compulsive liar, or i really like to make people feel at ease.

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