Apr 18, 2007



1) you know how CNN is always useful DURING breaking news stories, but days later of non-stop 24hr coverage, you begin to be resentful about being forced to watch the same videos and same fear mongering graphics, stats and decks over and over? yea, i'm at that point. it's like if someone forced me to listen to "Say it ain't so" on repeat 800 times straight. amazing song, but it just takes all the poignancy and meaning out of it. you're telling me nothing else is going on in the world now that 33 students died? nothing else newsworthy is happening right now at all?

this is like when Anna Nicole-Smith died. except not as funny.

2) i cannot tell a lie: Gustavo Chacin is the ugliest player in all of major league baseball. this is probably the best photo of him i could find.

and that list of sad-sack mugs includes Randy Johnson when he was still sporting a mullet.

i feel bad taking a shot at Gustavo. what a game he threw against the bosox last night. he's a good kid, but unfortunately, he looks like the lovechild of mr. clean and mr. potato head. just....unfortunate.

3) I like to parallel the final two weeks of school before summer as to the WNBA finals.

nobody cares, nobody wants to be there, and a little bit of frontal nudity would make everything that much more interesting, yet simultaneously, horrific.

2 more weeks.

i think i'm going to make it my goal next year to not fail any classes.

my standards for my education are officially so low, i have to dig up to hit rock bottom.

man, if being self-depreciating was an olympic event, i would so finish like......

actually, i suppose the only way that analogy would make any sense is if i said i'd finish dead last.

i'm blowing my own mind here by zinging myself. i think it's time for bed.....

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